Johnny Cash And A Boy Named Sue

During a routine trip to the library today I remembered to pick up Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. About two weeks ago Shel Silverstein’s work became fresh in my mind again after reading that he had written the funny johnny cash song A Boy Named Sue. I have brief memories of the book from when I was a child but no recent recollection of it so it was time for a revisit. As I read some of the quirky and sometimes tongue-twisting poems to my wife during the drive home we both laughed, smiled, and giggled from a place deep within the innocence of our childhood.

Hidden deeper beneath the laughter and giggles through our the thoughts of a serious dreamer and thinker. It blows my mind how such simple writing can be deceptively complex with meaning, truth, and guidance.

If you can do nothing else for yourself this week. Take 5 minutes out to sit down with the 5-year-old hiding inside you. Coax him or her out from under the bed. Tell them the thunderstorm of responsibility, the lightning of bills, and the rain of endless streaming information has ended. For a few minutes its okay to empty your toys on the floor and dream.

by Shel Silverstein from Where The Sidewalk Ends

Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,

Listen to the DON’TS

Listen to the SHOULDN’TS


Listen to the NEVER HAVES

Then listen close to me ––

Anything can happen, child,

ANYTHING can be.